
Accessible opera, by and for the people of Bristol

If you love acting, singing with professional orchestras and soloists, wearing amazing tailor-made costumes and going to the pub after rehearsals (optional), we’d love to welcome you into our family!

How to join

If you’re interested in joining Bristol Opera as a singer, we prefer that you start rehearsing with us before the New Year, as our main production takes place in spring. The best way to find out whether Bristol Opera is for you is by coming along to one of our rehearsals. We’ll invite you to attend a few rehearsals to get to know the group before you decide to join. New members are welcome to sing with us for a few months before committing. Please contact our membership secretary Katherine Billington via email for further information by email [email protected]

Audition – principals

Principal auditions for our productions will be advertised on our Home Page.

Audition – chorus

If you decide to become a singing member of Bristol Opera, we’ll ask you to audition. Don’t panic! We’ll just ask you to sing a few scales and a song to our Musical Director. The ability to read music is always helpful but not essential. The process is very easy-going and we’re a supportive and friendly group.


We hold weekly rehearsals, with longer breaks over the summer holidays and Christmas. Members are therefore asked to commit to regular attendance as much as possible. When a production is imminent, we also hold a few additional weekend rehearsals.

When: Thursday evenings from 7.30pm – 9.30pm.

Where: Church Hall, Horfield Methodist Church, Bristol, BS7 8SN

Membership fees

Membership of Bristol Opera costs £225 per year, with a reduced rate of £81 for students and a reduced fee for those on a low income. Members also have the option to pay monthly. All new members are welcome to sing with us on trial basis before auditioning to become a member.

Membership Policies

Bristol Opera Privacy Policy for Members and Ex-Members – 7 Sept 2018

Bristol Opera – Gift Aid Declaration – 19 Sept 2018