
Accessible opera, by and for the people of Bristol

Bristol Opera has a number of friends, including regular patrons, members retired from singing, the partners of active members and anyone else who wishes to support us and receive exclusive benefits. Why not support us by becoming one of them?

What are the benefits of becoming a friend?

By becoming a friend of Bristol Opera, you’ll be able to:

  • access early bookings,
  • find out the latest news and updates from Bristol Opera,
  • receive special invitations to our concerts and social events.

How much does it cost?

£25 is the suggested minimum per annum. The average gift is £30.

If you are a taxpayer you can Gift Aid your donation and Bristol Opera, as a registered charity, can reclaim the tax, thus increasing the value of your gift by nearly a third.

If you’d like to become a friend of Bristol Opera, please contact our Friends Secretary Charlotte Monk by sending an email to [email protected]

Membership Policies

Bristol Opera Privacy Policy for Friends – 7 Sept 2018

Bristol Opera – Gift Aid Declaration – 19 Sept 2018