
Accessible opera, by and for the people of Bristol

Auditions for children’s roles for Verdi’s Macbeth

10th December 2024 by

Bristol Opera is seeking to cast children for the roles Apparition 2, Apparition 3 and Fleance for its forthcoming production of Macbeth at Redland Hall, Red Maids High School, Bristol in the week ending 12th April 2025.

This is a fully staged production in costume, sung in English. It will be accompanied by a reduced professional orchestra using the acclaimed orchestral reduction by Jonathan Lyness.


Auditions will be held in the early evening of Sunday 5th January 2025. The provisional venue for auditions is Horfield Methodist Church, Bristol BS7 8SN. Please apply by 31st December 2024.

Further information and how to apply

Please also review the extract from the draft rehearsal schedule below (published subsequently to the information above and containing more precise information on the scheduled rehearsals).

Audition piece – Apparitions

p.228 Macbeth! Macbeth! Macbeth! Neither bloodshed nor doubt shall alarm you. No one born of a woman can harm you.
p.230 Be proud and courageous! Bright and high stands your star in the skies, Till the forest of Birnam shall rise, And at last shall advance upon you.

You may hear recorded performances of the passages here. These are sung in Italian, unlike our performance which will be sung in English, using the Schirmer vocal score.

Audition – Fleance

No special preparation is requested. The audition will try out the role of Fleance under the direction of the stage director.

Contact: [email protected]

